Our God is a God of New Things

Throughout history, God has always been unfolding his purposes in the world and in the lives of human beings. God’s plans are always revealing themselves, always making things new. We just need to have eyes to see it.
And yet, in our own lives, it can be easy to feel a bit stuck. When life begins to feel the same each day, we can begin to feel afraid to try new things. Instead, we fall into patterns of thinking the same things and acting the same way.
In all the challenges of everyday life, we can lose touch with this sense of possibility and with the idea that new things could be around the corner. We can slip into the idea that life will always be the same and lose our expectations of new things coming into our lives.
Things might have looked a certain way in the past, but with God, there is always the possibility of something new.
But the reality is that life can always change. Sometimes we make that change, and sometimes change can just happen to us - and then, of course, it’s all about what we make of it. Things might have looked a certain way in the past, but with God, there is always the possibility of something new.
Whatever happened yesterday (and the yesterdays before it!), today is a new day. We do not have to be bound by the person we have been before or the way our life has always been. With God, there is always the offer of a fresh start and a new adventure.
Today God is doing a new thing; can you perceive it? And can you give yourself the grace to let go of what has been and to step confidently into all that God has for you today?
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. -Isaiah 43:19- (ESV)