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Writer's pictureTosunda Hill

Amazing Starts with You: Get Up, Get Out, and Connect!

2022 is here, and although we took a little meditation break after the official welcome countdown, we are excited that we (you included) made it to a new year.

In 2021, we met some AMAZING women and men and had the opportunity to support many on their journeys in amazing ways. In 2022, not only will God continue to be faithful to us, but He will do the same for you as well!

Close to the end of 2021, we made it our motto or, as some would say, word/words of the year to Get Up, Get Out, and Connect. I loved it so much I passed it on to my wonderful crew at home, and now that we are officially in 2022, we are encouraging you to let those words inspire you on your own journey.

What do you think, my friend? Can you Get Up, Get Out, and Connect this year?

By that, I mean nothing long and exaggerated, just:

Get Up:

Simply Put --- Place some actions behind your plans and daydreams. On both good and challenging days, find some time to get up, get out of bed, get off the computer, stop over-planning and never acting, and step away from those everyday norms that may be draining your energy and leaving you uninspired.

Get Out:

Simply Put — Get out of the house, take a trip, visit a place unrelated to what you are currently working on, attend a professional conference or volunteer. In the process of sharing your learning and helping tell others about your business, passion, and uniqueness as well.


Simply Put — Meet new people. It's important to get used to networking with individuals who are not part of your tribe. Connect with someone in the grocery store, at the park, while volunteering, or attending a networking event. Never be afraid to collect or pass out business cards.

Change is sometimes scary, but you can do it! Amazing starts with you! Great things are waiting for you out there beyond your comfort zone, beyond your circle, beyond your dreams. So go ahead: Get Up, Get Out, and Connect!


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