For David said, “Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house that is to be built for the Lord must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and glory throughout all lands. I will therefore make preparation for it.” So David provided materials in great quantity before his death. provided materials in great quantity before his death.
-1 Chronicles 22: 5 (ESV)-
While we may not all be master event planners or hostesses, I think it is safe to say that we have some experience with planning or preparing for an important moment. This experience can range from cooking dinner for your family each night to planning an upcoming family vacation. Regardless of the event size, a lot of hard work and planning goes into the behind-the-scenes work for the planner and hostess that the attendance party never gets to see.

When my boys were younger, I always looked forward to planning their birthday party each year. I remember maxing out the party budget to ensure they had the best food, decorations, entertainment, and gifts. Although the party excitement and the sugar rush from the cake and candy only lasted a few hours, I wanted the memories of family, celebrations, and traditions to last a lifetime. Because of that, I prepared for those yearly milestones with God’s guidance and a heart and spirit of excellence. I became committed to doing and giving my best year after year. My boys are much older now, but I still proudly wear my mom's party planning badge. As I reflect on this and other seasons and personal and open moments of striving for excellence, I am reminded of King David’s deep desire to build a temple for the Lord. This is a powerful example of striving for spiritual excellence. Although God did not permit David to construct the temple himself, David’s heart was entirely devoted to preparing for it. David understood that excellence is not about personal glory but about honoring God. In his preparations, he set stonecutters to prepare dressed stones, provided the materials, laid out the plans, and instructed his son Solomon to build a house for the Lord, the God of Israel, all with the intent of creating a place worthy of God’s presence.
David’s preparation for the temple teaches us that the journey toward excellence begins with a heart fully committed to the Lord, trusting that He would use our efforts for His greater purpose. David’s dedication shows us that when we aim for excellence, especially in service to God, we should give our best- not just in what we accomplish but in the love and devotion that drive our efforts.
Let us, like David, strive for excellence in everything we do, not for ourselves but for the glory of God.
Reflection: Take a moment and reflect on the following phrase:
“True excellence comes from a heart that seeks to glorify God in all things.”
Application: In what ways can I apply this to the daily tasks in my life?
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